Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dyslexia: More Common Than You Would Think

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“Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Cher, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Leonardo Da Vinci, Whoopi Goldberg, explorer Ann Bancroft, and Thomas Edison. What do these well-known people have in common? Each one was or is dyslexic.”- J. Richard Gentry Ph.D

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects learning ability affecting people with average and above-average. It is the most common learning disability and it has been reported that up to one in five people may have some degree of Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that changes the way the brain normally processes reading material, making spelling, comprehension, and word recognition more challenging. Almost all students who struggled with reading in high school are likely to in adulthood as well. Recent studies have shown that Dyslexia can also have an effect on prospective memory. 

A new helpful solution called Dyslexie font has been developed and designed for people with dyslexia to help make learning, reading and working easier. Some of the qualities that make Dyslexie font work the way that it does include:

- heavy-bottomed letters
- inclined letters
-  different shaped letters
- capital letters and punctuation 
- various letter heights
- closer spacing

Check out for more information about this font. Or, contact our office if you have any questions regarding Dyslexia or learning disabilities in general.

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Have a beautiful day,

Robbi Coltune
Office Assistant